Crossing The Line.

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In honor of a friend who just lost his mother, I want to share his blog post describing the lovely woman. She seems like a woman we all could love and admire, and would love to have had as a mom. I empathise with him, since I recently lost my father. It’s always hard to adjust to the loss of a loved one. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to blog about it at first; it’s a private thing after all. But I felt a lot better after describing and sharing some of the ways my father helped shape my life.

Since I moved my blog, I figure I would go ahead and make a special section containing the posts I wrote about him. One thing I like about WordPress is that it is easy to file posts under different catagories. Here are the thing I have written so far:

Tribute To My Father.

No Comments to “Crossing The Line.”

  1. By Citizen Deux, January 9, 2007 @ 3:20 am

    Dude! Scoot needs help!

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