Blogiversary Maintenance – Lorikeets

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As promised, for the New Year and the third year Blogiversary, I am cleaning up some stuff here at Sonicfrog. I have removed a few links, some of bloggers that have stopped blogging, and some that have links on other blogs I often visit. I will be adding some new ones too. Here are a few:

GrrlScientists – This is a blog focuses on science (obviously) but includes some politics and personal bits as well. The “Grrl Scientist” in question is Dev, and used to run The Lory List, an e-mail newsgroup which provided a forum for lorikeet and parrot owners. The group of people on the site were invaluable fountains of helpful information when we got our first lorikeet – a green nape lory name Emmet…

[youtube Ymhl2ahht4U]

When Emmet died in 2000, the friends on the list really helped us deal with our loss. It’s amazing how much these little creatures become a part of your life. We got Miss Bird, or black capped lory, through another friend on the site. Here she is when we were bringing her home.

[youtube 7O-XC50zqF0]

Loniinae.Com – This is a site run by Matt, one of the guys we used to talk to on the Lory List. He now runs the Lorikeet Exhibit at the Houston Zoo.

There will be more new links soon, but I’m getting hungry and have to go eat.

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