Detached Hands In The News! UPDATE

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First, from Ann Althouse, documenting an attack on her by a riled-up protester:

He talks to the attacker just before the attacker yells “You’re socially retarded” and attacks me. The attack is at 3:58, off camera. Meade yells “hey” a few times and gets the incident framed. At 4:00, you see Chris [Althouse] detaching that man’s hands from me.

Then, this:

A family dog in Mission brought home a severed human hand…

Sgt. Jody Tittle said police were called to a residence around 8:25 a.m. on reports that the family’s black Labrador retriever had the hand in its mouth.

Jeez.. Remind me not to mess with Ann Althouse and the gang. They’re brutal!!!! 🙂