Jerry Brown – Shakedown Artist!

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OK. I’m convinced I live in the most dysfunctional State in the Union. Google California State Budget if you want proof! And has anyone else just about had enough of the lawsuit happy California Attorney Gen. Jerry Brown? First he sued San Bernardino County because their city plan didn’t include adequate greenhouse gas reductions to fight global warming. Never mind the plans were drawn up well before that became a requirement, and the legal wrangling cost money which mean less money for the county to spend on things like law enforcement, one thing the A.G is supposed to be most concerned about. Then Jerry B. tried to sue every auto manufacturer on the planet because cars emit evil CO2. Never mind that car makers, Honda and Toyota, producers of the cleanest cars on the planet, are included in the lawsuit. Don’t fool yourself for one minute that the failed lawsuit didn’t influence Toyota’s decision to build the much coveted Prius in Mississippi instead of California. Bye Bye Jobs! Now word has come down the pike that our Global Warming Crusader Jerry Brown has decided to go after a water bottling company – bottle manufacturing causes Global warming. This will mean a delay in the building of the bottling plant, which will mean a delay in new jobs being created during a recession. That is if the company doesn’t decide to just pack up and move to another state, a la Toyota. He has been traveling around the state threatening lawsuits for any county that doesn’t bend to his will. Is there anyone besides me who is sick of having this retard as their Attorney General?

PS. I usually refrain from calling people retards and such, and I have praised Brown in the past – he is a extremely eloquent guy. But he is, at the moment, an attorney out of control. And the saddest thing of all – he is the odds on favorite to be the next governor of the state of California. God help us! Not Again!!!!